EBS - 6 Jeux in 1 EP release

Sometimes, in my being swamped about new music from all the folks I have already heard of I have not been as active in trekking out on my own to find new tunes. Luckily in one of my usual internet strolls I came across something pretty intriguing to say the least. French video game rap, brought to you by French hip hop artist EBS (translated version here). He recently released the EP 6 Jeux in 1, which is available as a free download from his website ebsnet.be under the "Discographie en MP3" section of the site.

I have no idea what the lyrics mean really, but it is catchy stuff and he covers some often overlooked games like Robocop, Worms, and Lemmings, as well as bigger names like Sonic. Hopefully we hear some more VG inspired tunes out of this guy again in the future!

Amiga Agia - Destiny Reverb album release

Rhyme Torrents 8 compilation. All 3 discs released.