Squish Squash Squad Compilation Volume One

Video game inspired music collective Squish Squash Squad has their first compilation out. When that compilation was released I'm not sure, but better to mention it late than never. The compilation, understandably titled Squish Squash Squad Compilation Volume One is available for download from their official myspace, or directly through this link.

The album consists of 15 tracks from 15 different artists. Including The Grape Kool-Aid Experience, Peppermint Pony, Electric Dragon and more! I've already downloaded the album and must say it is definitely worth a listen, and since the album is free, you can't go wrong!

The Squish Squash Squad are also already at work on their next compilation, so be on the watch out for that soon. Also, the SSS is always looking for more VG inspired folks to join their collective, so if you're interested, shoot them a message!

The Game Boy Tree Adventures

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