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OCReMix releases Summoning of Spirits: An Arrangement of Music from Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia

Just this past weekend, folks all over the net have been graced with an amazing gift. It appears that OCReMix has released it's latest album project, Summoning of Spirits. This four disc arrangement covers both Tales of Symphonia, as well as a game very near to my own gaming heart, Tales of Phantasia. I have had this album on repeat since downloading it and seriously recommend it to everyone. It has a wide range of styles by a ton of amazing talent. The Tales series is also quite underrated when it comes to the games soundtrack, and finally gets the remixing love it deserves. So head right over to and grab all the music there via Torrent or HTTP.

As for me, I am currently rocking the amazing song Go the Distance (I'll Go) by Sixto Sounds from the album. The song is the third of 3 bonus tracks that come alongside the already four solid discs of music and is currently my favorite with it's crazy hard rocking sounds. Also, be on the lookout for an interview soon with Aleah Baker and Kyle Crouse, the organizers of this fantastic album. Not to mention an interview with a few of the arrangers for this album as well!