Final Fantasy V The Fabled Warriors - Volume 1 Wind OCReMix compilation release

The folks of OverClocked ReMix are at it again. After the huge success that was their last compilation, Serious Monkey Business, folks from OCR have banded together once again to pay tribute to an overlooked classic from the Final Fantasy series. Final Fantasy V The Fabled Warriors is that tribute. The first album of this five part series is available now at the official site, and boasts some incredible talent, including some of my favorites such as Sixto Sounds and Another Soundscape.

The album kicks off with some intense rocking courtesy of Sixto Sounds and the opening track The Path to Glory ~Theme of Bartz~. From there we hear an ear catching rendition of In the Shadows ~Theme of Thief~ by Another Soundscape. He creates a catchy, eccentric movement that adds a ton of texture to this song. Darkesword works his magic on his track Little Black Book ~Theme of Black Mage~, an up tempo hip hop styled ominous mix that brings the mood to a subterranean dance lair. Another incredible track comes our way thanks to Zircon and Vessel of the Void ~Theme of Exdeath~, a foreboding industrial track that might be my favorite piece on the album so far. This first chapter of this series comes to a close with DarkeSword and his wonderful rendition of this albums title theme, See You Next Time ~WIND~.

You must know by now, that this being OCR and all, that the album is available for free download, so hurry up and grab this amazing tribute at and start twiddling your thumbs in anticipation of Water, which looks to be set for release early 2011!

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