Guacamelee! Week continues with a Boss Theme chiptune mix

More art and music paying tribute to the Metroid inspired brawler.

The Guacamelee! game is one after my own heart. The developers at Drinkbox Studios seem to have handpicked some of my personal favorite pieces of culture, including lucha libre, Metroid, and a catchy horn filled soundtrack.

Some facts about Guacamelee!

  • Originally proposed as a 'pure' brawler' by Mexico born concept artist Augusto Quijano.
  •  Part of the "Sony Pub Fund" initiative, an exclusivity agreement with Sony for project funding.
  • Drinkbox Studios caused some minor outrage just after the game's release due to the inclusion of various memes and game references.
  • Created with a team no larger than 13 people.
  • Took 19 months to complete from original conception.

Metroid inspired original album 'Child of the Chozo' by Will Brueggemann

Guacamelee! Week begins with Santa Luchita (World of the Dead)