Doubles' Dash 2 Compo Results

Just this past weekend musician extraordinaire Shael Riley, along with sgtrama and ThaSauce hosted a one of a kind event in the Doubles' Dash compo. The contest included Nerdcore and VG remixing's finest in Shael Riley, ProjektZero, injury, Jiggin Jon T, sgtrama, and Suzumebachi all breaking into teams of two and having only three hours to write an entire song together. You can grab the tracks for listening from the recent ThaSauce post about the compo. I will let Shael recount how the competition went down.

Holy shit! I just hosted the second teams-of-two three-hour pop song writing party/contest, and the results were absolutely impressive. I encourage you to check these three songs out.

DJ Projekt Zero as Team Super Sloppy Double Dare - Shael's Going to Fuck Me Up the Ass With No Lube and It's Going to Hurt

You have to hand it to DJ Projekt Zero, whose partner petered out halfway through the contest, leaving him with half the time and half the manpower to finish his song. Zero drew titular inspiration from a threat made following his partner's forfeiture midway through the contest, regarding what would happen were he to not finish his track.

Shael Riley and Jiggin Jon T as Team Taking a Year Off to Travel - Pros and Cons

Just like I said I would be, after wearing the producer hat last time, I'm in the lyricist/vocalist role on this collaboration with JJT, who produced an excellent instrumental. When I produced Injury, I wrote a melody for her to write words to, but Jon just gave me a chord structure, leaving me to write the melody too; that was cool, because it gave me some wiggle room with my lyrics. Drawing inspiration from a conversation I had with tracerbullet earlier in the day, I decided to write a song in-character, taking a tip from the Randy Newman school of songwriting.

Injury, Sgt Rama, and Suzumebachi as Team Bisquick - Percent Caret Open Parenthesis

These motherfuckers. Not only did they cheat, by secretly adding Doug "Sgt. Rama" Arely to their team, but they parodied Snow Love and Sludge, the undisputed worst song off of my first solo album. Fuck you, cocksuckers. You are not invited to my contests anymore.

Actually, they did a really good job. Starla's T-pain'd vox are stunningly hooky.

So there you have it! three new awesome songs brought to you in three hours by some awesome talent! Be sure to check out the songs and stay tuned for future ass kicking compo's out of these fine folks!

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