Wrap up and footage from Level Up! Level 2!

Hey folks who missed our second anniversary show Level Up! because you are cheap asses or don't live close enough to go. Hopefully the latter. Lucky for you fine folks we have footage of the show thanks to some fine folks!

The event far exceeded my expectations with about 100 people turning out for the show (double what we had last year), and on a Sunday no less! The doors opened at 8:30 with only a handful of stragglers entering, which led to more anxiety for me. Only a handful of people by the time Hot Waffles was set to take the stage at 9PM. Luckily as their set continued many more folks started piling into the CIA. I assume most of which became quick fans of Hot Waffles after songs like Vice City Blues, and George Lucas Raped Our Childhood. Sadly no footage of the fantastic band has yet to surface, but I hold out hope that someone recorded something, as they had quite a hilarious set.

After Hot Waffles ended to a good bit of applause and a much larger crowd then they started with, the King of the Boss Fights himself ZeaLouS1 took the stage. ZeaLouS1 did a phenomenal set with new material, old classics, and sidekick Lil Harmz. Definitely some awesome stuff, you can see footage of a few songs over at zealous1.com in fact!

ZeaLouS1 - Level Up

Third up, was the band most everyone was there to see. The Megas, who threw one hell of an epic set. The venue was pretty packed. From intro to encore ending they were intense and sounded great. I would like to add that their encore song was The Message from Dr. Light, available only on Welcome to World 2. We have footage for most of their set, so hopefully I can get it up on the youtube soon.

The Megas - Intro / I Want to be the One

The show finished with another band from the first Level Up! last year, Super Barrio Brothers. The team of Dumbfoundead and 8 Bit Bandit (and some of the thirsty fish crew) had quite a set, with tons of freestyles, a small piece of a capella from the Heavy Troopa is Ready to Launch! compilation, and of course some of the amazing tunes from the Super Barrio Brothers LP.

Super Barrio Brothers - Three Pipes Down

Super Barrio Brothers closed out the show, which by all of my standards was one hell of a success! Thank you to all the bands that performed, the CIA for letting us throw the show, and everyone who came out to have a great time! We hope to be throwing another show sometime soon, so watch out for that, and of course, go chill with us at the listening party this coming Sunday!

Oh yeah, and check out the playlist on youtube for even more videos!

Rhyme Torrents 7 compilation release

Nobuooo 7.08 Update