Letters VS Numbers episode 008: "Alphabet Vomit Show"

If you thought MisterB was drunk in episode 7, then you are about to witness something else in Letters VS Numbers episode 008: "Alphabet Vomit Show". This episode was recorded the night of July 4th, or was it the morning of July 5th? Well it was after the first night of Nerdapalooza, I'm sure of that! We once again found ourselves at the Emergency Pizza Party house for another epic afterparty.

This time we have even more special guests, more insanity, and of course, more awesome music from Nerdapalooza Southeast artists and more! I don't even know how to describe this show to be honest. It's just a bunch of nerds talking about nonsense, but isn't that always the way with this podcast? Well it's basically that times a hundred this time, as cranking up the amount of nerds has changed the insanity of the podcast exponentially.

Basically, just listen to this one.

(PS. pssst, we also got MC Frontalot on this podcast, oh shit!)

To listen in (and for full track listings and info) be sure to head over to http://lettersvsnumbers.blogspot.com/ Or subscribe to our RSS feed, or subscribe through through iTunes.

Micropalooza '08 - Ground Kontrol

32 Bit Genocide - August 16th in Baltimore, MD