2nd Anniversary today! Welcome to World 2 Anniversary Compilation announcement!

Man, two years, and I don't really know what to say. I can go through a giant everyone rocks list like I did on New Years, but I think that one still pretty much suffices as the standard. I could gloat about how our recent free compilations have gotten tons of downloads and that our page views have continued to outdo themselves every month this year. I could also probably beg you to donate money to the site (in that donate button at the top there) so that we can get bigger. I could even just yell at you for not spreading the word about this site more.

Nah. No heavy handed stuff this time. Maybe later though, you can never rule it out. What I do want to do today is simply tell you about our awesome new second anniversary compilation that is coming out very soon!

The album is called Welcome to World 2 and is a celebration of our second year running this site! We have some amazing musicians contributing exclusive songs to us this year for you to enjoy. Here's a rundown of all the bands confirmed so far.

8 Bit Instrumental
8-bit Philharmonic
The Adventures of Duane and BrandO
Danimal Cannon
Dual Core
Elijah B Torn
Entertainment System
Girlz Melon
Lucas Park
Matheus Manente
The Megas
Nicole Adams feat. starla
Player Two
Random Encounter
Select Start
Spheres of Chaos
Temp Sound Solutions
This Arm is Gun
Videogame Orchestra

All of the songs from these folks will be exclusive to this compilation! There will be even more musicians confirmed as well as we get closer to releasing this album! Hope everyone is excited to hear some amazing new tunes!

And here comes the heavy handed stuff now. I would like to sincerely thank every person I've had the chance to work with and talk to in the course of running this site. All your support, input, kindness, and most of all friendship is endlessly appreciated! You people know who you are!

Oh yeah, and if you are interested, check out our very first post

8bitcollective.com Presents Hello World! compilation

Dwelling of Duels - Gradius Month Results